The Missouri Coroners and Medical Examiners Association was established in 1985 to manage and maintain a coroners association for the benefit of members who are duly elected coroners in the state of Missouri. To aid in the establishment, improvement and maintenance of a uniform and stable system of laws relating to the regulation of coroners in the state of Missouri and the qualifications; training, rights, duties, and privileges of coroners. To aid in the establishment, promotion, improvement and maintenance of courses, classes, lectures, seminars and conferences calculated to encourage and advance the education and training of coroners in the state of Missouri. To research, compile and disseminate material and information relating to all matters or things of whatsoever character concerning coroners or of the interest of coroners. To engage in any activity permitted by law intended to promote and protect the interests of coroner in the state of Missouri and to do any and all acts or things incidental, necessary or convenient to the accomplishment of these objects and purposes.
The office of coroners and medical examiners are governed by the Missouri Revised State Statutes in Chapter 58.
The office of Coroner is not among the first government services that come to mind when citizens think what they pay for with property taxes. The Coroner is an obscure job visible mainly to the members of public safety agencies, journalists and relatives of those who die from suspected homicides, suicides or accidents. Other members of the public have little reason to familiarize themselves with the workings of the office or the qualifications of those who hold the office of Coroner.
To Investigate Certain Types of Deaths:
Criminal Abortions (including those self-induced)
Unforeseen Sudden Occurrence (not seen by physician 36 hours preceding death)
Custody Deaths (while in custody of law enforcement)
Penal Deaths (lethal injection / legal execution)
Child Deaths (under age of 18)
Unusual or Suspicious Manner Deaths
Occur in Non-licensed Health Care Facilities (hospice type)
Occur in Licensed Health Care Facilities (nursing home / residential care)
Other Duties
To be Conservator of Peace (throughout his or her county)
To Execute Process When Sheriff Disqualified (when sheriff is a party / involved)
To Perform Duties of Sheriff When Office is Vacant (by death or otherwise)
To Hold Coroner’s Inquest / Coroner’s Jury
To Issue Warrant to Summon Coroner’s Jury (coroner inquest)
Coroner to Administer Oath to Jurors
Coroner to Issue Subpoenas (witnesses)
Order Postmortem Examination (autopsy)
Certify Cause and Manner of Death (death certificate)
Order Blood Sample Test for Alcohol & Drug Content (all motor vehicle fatalities)
Report Toxicology results in writing to Missouri State Highway Patrol
Procure Organ Donations (procurement of cadaver organ and tissue donation)
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